Corn Receiving Hours
October 7th- October 12th
7am - 5pm
7am - 5pm
7am - 5pm
7am - 5pm
7am - 5pm
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2024-2025 Delayed Price Rates Flat $0.50/bu. through 12/31/24 $0.10/bu./month, 1/1/25 through 9/30/25 No charge if priced within 10 days of delivery. DP bushels must be priced by 9/30/25
Direct Deposit Would you like your check to be direct deposit?
Accumulator+Total Bushels enrolled / # of pricing days = Bushels to be priced each day. Each day futures closes above KO price, daily bushel amount will price at your "fixed price". If anytime from start date to end date that futures trades below KO Price, the contract will be done. Bushels you have accumulated will be priced at your "fixed Price", remaining bushels will be left for you to price on your own. If a KO never occurs AND futures is at or above the "fixed price" on the "end date", you will receive a futures contract for the same number of bushels as the original contract (double obligation).
Accumulator w/ RemainderThe pricing concept is the same as accumulator +. The only difference being that if you get KO, the bushels not priced at the "fixed level", will be priced at CBOT price when the contract was written. This guarantees you that all bushels enrolled, will be priced.
Accumulator w/ No Double ObligationThe pricing concept is the same as accumulator + except there is NO DO risk. If on the "end date" futures price is higher than your "fixed price", there will be no DO.
Accumulator w/ Reserve The pricing concept is the same as Accumulator +, except your DO will occur daily instead of at the end. Any day futures close above "fixed level", your daily bushels will be doubled.
Contact Information Scale House/Grain Merchandisers Toll-Free: 866-680-2676